Breaking Down the Parts of Medicare

Breaking Down the Parts of Medicare

Generally, the different parts of Medicare help cover specific services. Most beneficiaries choose to receive their Parts A and B benefits through Original Medicare, the traditional fee-for-service program offered directly through the federal government. It is...
Breaking Down the Parts of Medicare

How to read your credit report

Solve a mystery while learning how important your credit report is with this story-driven interactive.Learn more Hershey Financial Group, LLC, 2243 S Queen Street, York, Pennsylvania 17402 P: 717-971-0123, E:...
Breaking Down the Parts of Medicare

Good Health is Good Business

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, productivity losses linked to employees not showing up to work due to five risk factors— diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, and obesity— cost US employers $36.4 billion a year.1...